Sunday, February 21, 2021

The End Is Coming and I Don't Care

As a strong Christian, I believe scripture, including the Book of Revelations, Daniel, Matthew 24, and all other verses on the end of the world. Yet, yesterday I released a video that sounds a lot on the agnostic side of things -- talking about the Drake Equation, trying to find aliens, and asking if we're going to survive as a civilization.

I'll go ahead and embed the episode here, since I put a lot of work into it, and you may see what I'm talking about ...

After watching my video, one who is well versed in "End of Days" scripture may be likely to respond with: "No, we're not going to survive. It's already been prophesied. Evil is going to be allowed to take hold. The Four Horsemen are coming. It all has to happen before the Millennium occurs -- one thousand years of peace before Satan is loosed one last time. So, why are you even talking about aliens and taking us to the next level?"

And sure -- I get that. But the more I think about it, the more I realize I don't care. Not to sound nonchalant, but really it's more that I don't think it's something I should worry about. If things were to start going down today, I'm already prepared. But ... and this is what I believe is the most important thing I want to get across today ... so much that I'm about to start a new paragraph ... I'm also prepared for the contingency that ...

... it doesn't happen ... yet.

Think about it. Jesus told his disciples that the end was coming very quickly. (Matthew 24:34) "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."

When my Church was started in the early 1800s, they were also likewise told the end was near. (Doctrine & Covenants 1:35): "For I am no respecter of persons, and will that all men shall know that the day speedily cometh; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand, when peace shall be taken from the earth, and the devil shall have power over his own dominion."

And here we are hundreds of years later still waiting. Not to sound impatient, but sometimes I think we fail to remember that a thousand years are like a day to God. When God says "soon" it could really translate into thousands of years, or maybe even epochs. This may also apply to the terminology "this generation shall not pass," which is really an ambiguous statement that could mean anything from "everyone alive today will not die until ..." to "your progeny will not die until ..."

And I think the main point of these scriptures are to have us always be at the ready, for none of us know the hour that Christ will return. He will come like a thief in the night. But get this ... it could happen next year. Or in a hundred years. Or a thousand -- or possibly even a million. We just don't know.

The one thing we must avoid is to stop trying. I've actually had some people tell me: "Since it's prophesied we can't stop it. So we can go ahead and let evil people take over our leadership because it's necessary to get things started so we get on to the Millennium and Final Judgement. In fact if you try to stop it, you're just frustrating the work of the Lord."

And sure ... eventually all that stuff is supposed to happen -- but not on my watch, not if I can help it. If I can stand up and fight for the right and try to hold off these things from happening, it can only be a good thing. It's not thwarting God's work. If evil is going to prevail, there's no way I'm going to stop it, but in fighting it, I get to be one of the good guys.

As I see things failing apart around us with hate and division increasing, heck yeah -- I'm going to fight it. And I'm going to train others to fight -- including those who are not of my faith. And I'm going to use any means necessary to try and save our world from those who are actively working to destroy it.

So yeah ... end of the world ... who cares? I'm ready for anything.

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