Monday, December 3, 2018

Self Reliance Principle #8: Serve Together

Self reliance is a way for people like you and me to work together for our mutual benefit. This sounds like one of the core principles from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Here's how it works.

Let's say someone does a task alone. 1 unit of effort provides 1 unit of results. Another person doing a similar task alone also exerts 1 unit of effort for 1 unit of results. What happens when these two people work together? If each exerts 1 unit of effort, will it add up to 2 units of results?

Surprisingly, the answer often turns out to be greater than 2. Think about it. If the tasks are similar, then the to-do list can be split between the two workers, and both can receive higher benefits from the same amount of effort. Thus 1 + 1 becomes 3 (averaging 1.5 units of results per person) or even higher.

Stephen Covey, in his book, refers to this as synergy. When two parties listen to each other and determine how each can best contribute, the result can be a deal that benefits both of them greatly, what one would call a win/win situation.

To kick this up a notch, consider this: In life, we are all in different stages. For example, some are mature, capable adults, while others are inexperienced children. Some are financially set for life, while some must beg for each meal. As such, we may often find ourselves to be in a position to help others.

When someone comes to you for help, how do you react? Many of us will say, "These people are lazy. I worked hard to be where I am, and why should I help these people?" When we have this attitude, we may be missing a wonderful opportunity.

Imagine flying on an airplane with your young child. The cabin pressure suddenly drops, and oxygen masks come down. You, being experienced, know enough to put the oxygen mask on, but your child may not know what to do. Would it make sense to leave it to the child to put on his own mask, or would you help him to do the task?

It's similar with those who are in need. They may not know how to be self-reliant, but with a little bit of help, they may be able to get there.

On the airplane, when you put on your child's mask, you are simultaneously teaching him how to do it, preparing him for future similar events.

Also, get this: when the masks come down, do you first put the mask on your child? Or do you put your mask on first before you help your child? If you don't put on your mask first, you could possibly go unconscious before finishing, thus endangering both lives. Likewise with self-reliance, it's difficult to help someone when you are yourself in need.

In May 2012, Elder Robert D. Hales said, "The purpose of both temporal and spiritual self-reliance is to get ourselves on higher ground so that we can lift others in need."

Whatever we learn in life can be passed on to others, and we can help others through our service, while also teaching them how to gain their own self reliance. Often the favor can be returned when we, ourselves, become the ones in need.

Also, service can be a way to help us become closer to the Lord.

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf said in May 2011, "Often, the answer to our prayers does not come while we're on our knees but while we're on our feet serving the Lord and serving those around us. Selfless acts of service and consecration refine our spirits, remove the scales from our spiritual eyes, and open the windows of heaven. By becoming the answer to someone's prayer, we often find the answer to our own."

Thus, service becomes a win/win situation to everyone involved. Spiritual synergy is obtained, more people become edified, and are all elevated to higher levels.

So, next time you have an opportunity, try it out. Provide service. Help someone move. Provide a gift. Provide support to those suffering from a disaster. Be a listening ear. And see what blessings will arise and see if everyone is lifted up. See if you can witness firsthand spiritual synergy.

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